About Me
Hi! I am Claire, a mom of two boys and one girl, ages 6, 3 and 8 months. I have always had a passion for writing and researching anything and everything. Having kids fueled my desire even more to try and live an eco-friendly life. I am hoping my research and hands on experience as a mom can help fellow moms out. Along the way I will share all things motherhood, my experiences (the high and lows), eco-friendly products, recipes, activities/crafts, reviews, and more!
I am 30 years old and my family and I live in Georgia. I grew up in Georgia and no matter where I was Georgia was where my heart belonged. I met my husband 12 years ago in Kentucky at jockey school (yes we were jockeys!). Once our first son was born we packed it up and moved to Georgia to be closer to family and warm weather of course. It hasn’t always been easy but here we are with three amazing kids and a wonderful little farm. I graduated college with a degree in Equine Studies and hope to return to school within the next few years. From a very early age my life was consumed with horses. Although I had to take a break from showing and teaching that passion will never be gone. We have a small farm that is practically a zoo. We have horses, ponies, a mini horse, mini mule, donkeys, dozens of chickens, 2 cats, 2 dogs, 2 mini pigs, a rabbit, a chinchilla, and two guinea pigs. I am sure we will add some more to the mix in the future. I still have my childhood pony of 19 years, Sparky. We love rescuing animals and showing our kids how to be compassionate and caring humans.
I hope you enjoy going on this adventure with me!