6 Tips to Start Cloth Diapering
If you are considering cloth diapering you might be overwhelmed with all the options out there. Here are some suggestions and tips I found very helpful!
1. Diapers of course! You will need about 18-24 diapers. More or less depending on how much you wash. I wash every other day.
The most common types of cloth diapers are flats and prefolds, fitted, pockets, AIO (All in One) and AI2 (All in Two) or hybrid. Then there are different sizes. Newborn, Sized, and OS (one size). OS diapers typical fit from 8lbs to around 30lbs. I find OS a little bulky on newborns even if they are 8lbs so I had a newborn stash.
My personal favorite are AIO diapers. They are easy, with no stuffing, folding or pinning required. They do take a bit longer to dry. My suggestion is don’t go all in on one kind of diaper. Try some different ones and see which type, style, brand you prefer.
2. Wet bags. Large, medium and small. You might need more if your child goes to daycare in cloth or if you take a lot of day trips.
I have two large wet bags that I alternate. The wet bag stays in a trash can in the bathroom. On wash day I dump everything including the wet bag in the wash. I do not dry my wet bags. My original Kanga Care and Planet Wise wet bags are still going strong after 7 years. I keep a mini trash can next to my changing table and throw the diapers in there as I change. Once or twice a day I take the diapers in and add them to my large wet bag(after spraying them off if needed). This is what has worked well for me but everyone has their own routine.
I use the medium bags for day trips where I might need to put 3 or 4 dirty diapers. Then I use small ones for quick day trips where 1-2 diapers are needed. Plus, wet bags are always handy to have for swimming or on the go messes.
3. Detergent for cloth. I use Seventh Generation ultra power plus or All free and gentle powder. There are lots of power and liquid options out there that are cloth diaper friendly. The type you use will vary depending on your water hardness, type of washing machine and personal preference. I have always been a fan of Seventh Generation ultra power plus but after moving to an area with extremely soft water I made the switch to powder. After trying a few I chose All and it has worked very well. If you have soft water you will find it easier to wash out powder vs liquid.
4. Diaper sprayer. This isn’t a must, but I personally wouldn’t want to cloth diaper without one! This makes spraying dirty diapers a breeze! My wet bag it located in the bathroom with the sprayer and after the diapers are rinsed off I toss them in until laundry time.
5. Diaper liners. I like to use reusable diaper liners. It saves your diapers from getting stained and makes washing messy diapers off even easier. I purchase mine on Etsy(or you could make your own especially if you have a serger).
6. Cloth wipes. I didn’t start using cloth wipes until my third and I really wish I had started sooner! Cloth wipes are surprisingly easy, and have saved me so much money! I still keep some disposable wipes on hand for super messy poops or as a backup when traveling. I use a peri bottle filled with water and apply it to each wipe. Some people like to prepare them ahead of time. GroVia cloth wipes are my favorite. They have three colors Blue for bottoms, pink for faces and gray for kitchen messes. You can also make your own cloth wipes or purchase them on Etsy. GroVia wipes are well worth the money. They are thick, don’t bunch up and hold up well to frequent washing and drying.
I think the most difficult part of cloth diapering is finding the right wash routine. There are some great Facebook groups or feel free to message me and I would be more than happy to help! Just watch out for ones that recommend massive amounts of detergent(it won’t get your diapers cleaner and in fact can do the opposite by causing detergent build up).
I hope these 6 tips help you on your cloth diaper journey!
Here are my favorite AIO cloth diapers and why!