all about kids consignment sales

All About Kids Consignment Sales

It’s that time of year! Consignment sales are right around the corner, and I am SO excited. I went to my first consignment sale when I was 8 months pregnant with my first. Since then I have gone to dozens and leave with so many amazing finds!

Kids consignment sales vary but typically they are twice a year around Feb-April and August-October. They have clothes galore(preemie-teens), shoes, toys, books, games, infant items, large items such as cribs and pack n’ plays, basically anything you might need for your baby, toddler, and kids. Each sale has clothes appropriate for the upcoming season.

The sales usually do a great job of checking incoming items especially the clothes. Some don’t check every item being put on the floor, but they always check the clothes for stains, wear and holes. I buy almost all of my kids clothing at the sales. They always have tons of newborn-24 months items for girls and boys. Boy clothes get harder to find once you get past 2-3T, but I am still able to find lots of great items for my 6 year old.

If you are looking for any big items or specialty items I suggest going on the first night. Sometimes you have to pay a small fee to get in but it is definitely worth it. If you sell or volunteer at the sale you are able to get into the sale early.

I usually go to three or four sales near me. I consign at two of them and then shop at the others. Tagging all of my items can get tedious, but I have perfected my tagging over the years. This is a great way to get rid of clothes and baby/kid items you no longer use. Typically you will keep 70% of your total sales and it will increase up to 85% if you volunteer. On the last day tons of items are 50% off. I let the kids go with me and they get to pick out something fun. Usually I make about $400-$500 between the two sales, get early shopping passes and clean the house out!

Here is a list of most consignment sales in your area


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