
Is a non-toxic organic crib mattress worth it?

I was pregnant with my third child and on the hunt for a crib mattress. Did I really need to “splurge” on a non-toxic organic crib mattress? My son and I both disliked the cheap mattress I had purchased for him during my first pregnancy. Then with my second I made the mistake of thinking an “eco” mattress was a better option. After extensive research and sleepless nights I no longer felt like it was a “splurge”. It truly seemed like that best option for my new little one. There are lots of great organic mattresses out there at an affordable price.

The average newborn sleeps about 17 hours a day (mine definitely slept more), and at 18 months are sleeping around 13 hours (night time and naps combined). Hopefully, a large portion of this time will be in their cribs. Most babies eventually sleep in their cribs, even if it doesn’t seem like it those first few weeks (or months). This is a crucial time because babies are at a higher risk to be impacted by toxic chemicals because their bodies are still developing.

A mattress is just a mattress right? Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple. There are a lot of questionable materials that go into a standard mattress that should raise major red flags. Many standard mattresses contain chemical flame retardants, phthalates, PVC/Vinyl, and polyurethane foam. These have been linked to hormonal disruption, asthma, cancer, allergies, developmental problems and much more.

Let’s start with flame retardants. Chemical flame retardants have been linked to hormonal disruption, developmental problems, cancer, and several other serious health issues. While we have made strides in the US with banning some chemical flame retardants most are still readily used. Not only are these chemicals toxic they have been found to be largely ineffective at preventing fires from spreading. It is possible for companies to meet flammability regulations without using chemical retardants.

Polyurethane foam is one of the most common materials used inside of a mattress. It emits high levels of VOC’s. VOC’s are Volatile Organic Compounds. VOC exposure has been linked to lung infections, allergies, and asthma. If you have ever heard of airing out a new mattress this is why. Allowing it to sit and air out for several months will reduce the amount of VOC’s your baby will breathe in. A baby’s body temperature warms up the mattress and causes VOC’s to be emitted at higher levels. They have been found to be strongest in a baby’s breathing zone while sleeping.

Having a waterproof mattress for a baby that spits up, and might have leaks or accidents sounds like a great idea. However, typically waterproof mattress or covers are made with a toxic plastic, vinyl. Vinyl contains phthalates which are chemicals that can cause asthma, allergies, and cancer. Phthalates are banned in numerous countries. Some phthalates are still being used in mattresses, and in others have been replaced with substitutes that we know little about. Naturepedic has created a waterproof mattress that is made without the use of these chemicals. They use a food grade polyethylene for this purpose.

Don’t be fooled (I know I was) by some companies that claim they sell “organic” mattresses or ones that contain “eco” or “soy foam”. Pay careful attention to what materials the entire mattress is made out of. Many mattresses labeled as “eco” or soy” still contain mostly polyurethane foam.

There is no way to avoid all toxins, but a great place to start is by making sure your baby has a healthy and safe sleep environment. If I was going to spend a little extra money on something for my baby it would definitely be for a non-toxic organic crib mattress. When looking for a non-toxic mattress look for certifications like GOLS (Global Organic Latex Standard), GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), Greenguard Gold, or OEKO-TEX.

Now if you have decided to look for a non-toxic organic crib mattress there are lots of options out there! My two favorites are Naturepedic and Emily Natural crib mattress and here’s why


Emily Natural

Non-toxic organic crib mattress

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